Start is always the Brainstorming:
collect the ideas of each team member, discover their interconnections, prioritize the best ideas.

Systemic Risk Management


Recognising risks as interacting with each other, often creating vicious cycles, is crucial to effective risk management. Identifying such risk systems and subsequently mitigating or managing a system of risks them is the aim of the Strategyfinder -  systemic risk management.

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Team Solution Finding


often problems are complex and messy and need the expertise and experience of others to find the best solution. The Strategyfinder team solution finding method is designed to enable a team, often in different locations, to come together for 1-2hrs to structure the problem recognising the perspectives of different knowledge and so find effective solutions.

Team Strategy Finding


Finding a strategy with the management team that everyone will support and implement is the goal of the Strategyfinder team strategy finding method. Develop clarity about your goals system.  Develop effective and realistic strategies and action programmes to be taken to achieve your goals.

sf MULTI ORG (Multi Organisational Collaboration)Unlocking the Power of Collaboration


Do you know which specific network of competencies makes your organisation or division special? How can you exploit your competitive advantage better?  How can you sustain and expand them? Use Strategyfinder Competitive Advantage methodto explore and exploit your full organisational potential and build a more powerful strategy.

Stakeholder Management


When you start a project or seek to implement a strategy, it is important to get a clear picture of the stakeholders – those who can promote or hinder the outcome. The aim of the Strategyfinder stakeholder management method is to understand how powerful and interested stakeholders can be strategically managed, bearing in mind they represent a social network.